Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Drying Out

Well, for once in my life I decided to "Dry Out", normally I do this when I go to sea, but as we had been in Brest for so long I thought it was a good time to give it a try for once whilst on land.
Quite an interesting experience for me, as it was a "First time" and I was quite nervous about how it would go............... but with luck and a few prayers it all went very smoothly.

Of course I am talking about the boat !! yes not me (god help me if I stopped drinking, I think that would kill me )

We tried for the first time here in the commercial port to use the large tides and a good place next to the old stone wharf, safely tied up, the tide went out and low and behold Xplore was sitting on her One Leg, happy as can be, it didn't even lean into the wharf, but sat there on her keel for the day whilst we did the next stage of the Bureau Veritas out of water survey.

Shortly after the tide had disappeared we commenced works under the hull, there was a small classic timber boat in front of us which was drying out also, we were busy disconnecting the shaft when we heard an enormous bang, my heart nearly stopped as we saw the timber boat fall over on its side in front of us ! there we were under Xplore and the thought of 38 tons of boat falling on top of us was a nightmare too grave to even imagine.

In removing the propeller shaft for inspection, I found that the hull cutlass bearing needed to be changed, so with a rush, I luckily had a spare on board (yes all my crew laughed that I had one in stock) we cut out the old one and had the new in place before you could blink.

The tide returned and we floated again, survey completed and with a clean bill of health for the external hull and equipment, we now move on to the 3rd and final stage of survey in the next week.


Friday, April 3, 2015

Corsican thoughts in soft rain

If the feelings of despair, of wasted emotions and the struggles of great endeavors could be captured and caged, then cremated, we could possibly sleep easier.
Each day that passes I am frustrated if nothing has been achieved, gained or moved forward, with work, life and relationships.
I must remind myself constantly whilst I go through this period of banishment that this time is for reflections, a time to grow in different ways, to change and to see things in a light I have never experienced before.
When I re-emerge, that is the question ? will I be stronger, wiser, better prepared for the next? and what is next?
From past experience the right and next step will present itself, sometimes is appears boldly, and sometimes as a subtle shadow that once seen grows in light, strength and clarity.
Exterminate the demon thoughts that trodden the paths into cavernous gutters that can trap us for days before we can slowly climb to the ridges where some perspective of our surrounds can be evaluated.
Short cuts or bold steps can't be taken without perspective and hindsight. But we also need energies when these openings appear.
God give me wisdom, strength, determination in all of my convictions, beliefs, desires and plans.


Can you stand with me, by my side.
Lets walk our roads, together and a far.
The warmth of your breath is within my soul.
A smile with sincerity, is a hearty gift.
Your touch, even slight, brings a tower of pleasure.
Thousands may pass, and no emotion ever appears.
Patients, only patients reveals those who hold the key.

Molten Maker

My inspiration is shattered, broken into stones.
The stones still have the warmth of the sun, but the volcano's heat is needed to meld them again.
What will bring that molten fire? a new day, a person, a transformation.
This question I can't answer, but I know there are many ways, presently  feel I am only rubbing two sticks together.
Bring on the flames to re-ignite my soul.

Have humans changed

Old ways are still the norm
Re-invent the invented
Package and paint it differently
Memory lapse, time wrap and its all new
Technology just flowers and puffs it all up
Tidal waves of changing values and perspectives
The dog eat dog need for survival
Greed becomes need and the thirst for more
Power and control changes true needs and values
Control gives birth to monopolies and dictators
Democracy is a cover of minority control
Circles of cycles wide enough apart
How blinded we are of the pasts
Blind consuming
Self perceived thirst