Monday, February 1, 2010

Roast beef, Frogs and a Kangaroo

Well it is the year for world cup rugby, so why not have a ding dong battle as well on board Xplore ! France vs. England. On the left hand side of the field we have the French team comprising of Fabrice, Delia and the formidable Troll (Audrey). To the right, we have England represented by Steve Strong, Edward and giant Jim. Referee for this Antarctica 28 day knock out is kangaroo Stephen. The challenge and the games that may be played along the way may not resemble rugby, but there will be a score, a prize winning team and the loosers, just who that will be, time will tell but we will report as it evolves. So Xplore slipped her lines there from the dock of Ushuaia, provisioned and prepared for what we hope is another great success in discovery on the white southern continent. Our plans are to arrive into the middle section of the Antarctic peninsula and then to penetrate south to the Antarctic circle and maybe further, to discover new anchorages and maybe touch on locations never visited by man before. More sports news to come as we head for the Drakes Passage. Stephen

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